Πέμπτη 2 Ιουνίου 2011

Mladic extradition 'not enough for Balkan reconciliation'


01.06.2011 @ 09:29 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The EU on Tuesday (31 May) welcomed the extradition to the Hague of Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic, charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. But a Croatian author, Slavenka Drakulic, says this move is not enough to achieve reconciliation in the Western Balkans.

Her books explore the monsters we could all become one day if faced with the power to shoot, rape or simply keep silent, out of fear, when atrocities are committed. The war criminals on trial in the Hague, now joined by the "butcher of Bosnia", Ratko Mladic, are all people like you and I, Drakulic says.....more...

read more: waz.eu.observer.com

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