Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2011

Serbia wants UN inquiry into Kosovo leader’s alleged organ trafficking

February 17, 2011 – 8:26 am
Speaking at the United Nations on Wednesday, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic called on the international body to look into allegations that the Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci was behind the trafficking in organs from ethnic Serbs in 1999 and 2000. A report by Dick Marty of the Council of Europe human rights watchdog made the original accusation that senior commanders of the former ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army, including Thaci, were the masterminds of and organ trafficking network.
Jeremic described Marty’s report as “deeply disturbing” and said that the European Union mission EULEX currently looking into the issue was not enough because the allegations involved locations outside of Europe such as Asia and Africa.“The solution lies in establishing an ad hoc investigating mechanism created by – and accountable to – the Security Council,” he said.US envoy Rosemary DiCarlo said the EULEX investigation was sufficient. “We do not believe that an ad hoc UN mechanism is necessary or appropriate,” she said. Britain and Germany also denied the need for UN involvement, while Jeremic received support from long-time ally Russia.Three years of independenceThursday marks the third anniversary of Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia. Despite Belgrade’s fierce opposition, it has been recognized by 75 countries, including the US and all but five EU members. Russia continues to oppose its independence....more...
read more: serbianna.com

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